G'day. Well, it's been a while hasn't it? I think it's been over a month or more since my last post. But, I am still here and doing ok. This gorgeous boy on the glass mosaic ball is our newest addition to the garden, it no doubt will be the last statue we get as we are running out of room. This one originally belonged to my son and his partner, but a few months ago they sold their home and purchased another one with a smaller back yard and said that they would most likely leave this behind, hoping that the new owners would like it.
They also didn't want to take it because of the weight of it. It is solid concrete and massively heavy. I said I would give it a good home, much to hubby's disgust. "Where will it go, we have nowhere for it, we have too much now" was the first thing I heard. Not to be out done, I said I would find somewhere in the yard. On the day my son and partner moved, hubby and I were there bright and early (a 2hr drive) so that the furniture removal guys could help with the shifting of this beauty. The boy went on the back seat and the base went in the boot. That was well and good, there were no extra guys at our home to help get it out of the car and then to set it up, were there, just poor hubby and I. But as you can see, it's found it's spot. Mind you there was much swearing, cursing, dirty looks (at me) blood, sweat and nearly tears in the long and very hard process. I am thinking of planting a very small garden of a few roses and some lavender around it, but haven't told hubby this yet, so maybe I will give it a bit of thought for a while, don't want to give dear sweet hubby a coronary.
My first daffodil is out in bloom. Always a pleasure to see these beautiful flowers. I must plant a lot more for next year.
My last chemo is this Friday. Yippee !!! Will still be on another cancer drug every 3 weeks till April next year and also a cancer tablet every day for 5 years. I look forward to having some hair again soon...
I was fiddling with this computer some weeks ago and this nice little box came up on the screen recommending I refresh the computer, telling me that nothing would be lost and all would be good. Ha, what a load of crock. Wish I hadn't done it. My anti virus disappeared and McAfee took it's place, but guess what, that runs out next week, was only a trial one. My blogger page has totally gone and I had to go through the main Google page to get to this one. Can't read any blogs, it's all disappeared along with a lot of other things. Have tried reloading my antivirus disk, won't work. What a jolly nuisance and that's putting it mildly..... I will keep trying to retrieve my blog, so that I can read your wonderful stories.