G'day. The new tiles for the bathroom are on the go.The first picture shows the area where all the tiles have been pulled off and the next picture is of the new tiles on the shower recess.
Only one "small" problem. The lovely young guy who is doing the tiling forgot to put the soap holder on the tile in the shower. Hubby discovered it last night when he was having a look at what had been accomplished.
I have the dubious pleasure of telling the tiler this morning when he comes, in about an hour from now. The soap holder is sitting in it's box on the tub of adhesive in the shower !!!!
The new tiles do look lovely, it will make a huge difference to this room. Hubby spent all day last Thursday and Friday pulling the old tiles off and putting up new plasterboard in preparation for the tiler to start. Needless to say our bathroom has now been out of action for the last four day and luckily the tiler was prepared to work over the weekend. He is a local guy, so it's no hassle for him.
I suggested that the bath be removed as well. We don't use it, but hubby and the tiler explained it would create major hassles. I couldn't see the problem. Remove the bath, remove the plumbing fixtures and re tile the whole bathroom, floor as well. Sounded real good to me. After all hubby is a plumber by trade, what's the problem? Needless to say, the bath is staying. Though I did pitch a good argument.
Oh, by the way, our new long awaited red lounge suite has arrived. Yippee. More about that later. Tiler will be here before I know it, hubby has run off to do something and I have just washed my hair in the sink in the laundry, which might be easy if your hair is short, mine isn't, it's nearly waist length. I long for that shower to be ready. I'm not worried about the rest of the room. Take care. Liz...
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Just one of those days !
G'day. I am having one of those days. I have just realised that my post of a few minutes ago "Blocks for Baby" was supposed to be on my other blog Cotton Reel Corner, but it's not, it's on this blog. What can I say,? Nothing much, I guess. Oh well, I hope you enjoy looking at it.
Yesterday, hubby was in the middle of putting some agi pipes in to combat the water that lays on the ground, when a massive storm came through. We had 35mm of water in just under 10 minutes and our backyard was awash. The lightening was spectacular, the rain torrential, the thunder deafening, the dog was hiding under the bed, hubby and I were watching this onslaught from under the outdoor undercover area out the back.
The pictures show the area where the drains have to be laid, one (the black one) is already down. The other pic is as the storm was passing over and you can see the hint of a rainbow on the upper right side. Everything looked so beautiful when the storm had gone, the sun came out and was quite warm, the garden looked fresh, hubby gave up and came inside and made us both a nice refreshing drink...... Take care. Liz...
Yesterday, hubby was in the middle of putting some agi pipes in to combat the water that lays on the ground, when a massive storm came through. We had 35mm of water in just under 10 minutes and our backyard was awash. The lightening was spectacular, the rain torrential, the thunder deafening, the dog was hiding under the bed, hubby and I were watching this onslaught from under the outdoor undercover area out the back.
The pictures show the area where the drains have to be laid, one (the black one) is already down. The other pic is as the storm was passing over and you can see the hint of a rainbow on the upper right side. Everything looked so beautiful when the storm had gone, the sun came out and was quite warm, the garden looked fresh, hubby gave up and came inside and made us both a nice refreshing drink...... Take care. Liz...
Blocks for baby.
One of the staff at work is expecting her first child in a couple of months and seeing that there are a couple of others quilters where I work, I thought it would be nice if the three of us put together a small quilt for her as a gift.
Blocks had to be 12 1/4" square.
Lemon and cream the colours.
Two blocks with applique and two without.
Nothing to over the top was the style we were to adhere to as one of our group is just starting getting interested in quilting.
One of our threesome has not long bought the top of the range Bernina sewing machine (not me) and she has kindly agreed to put the quilt together when finished and do some lovely free motion quilting on it. I will do the binding.
It's a shame I didn't realise these blocks needed ironing before I took a picture of them, isn't it. Oh hum !!!
Have a good day.
Monday, October 17, 2011
The best birthday he has ever had.
G'day. Hubby's 60th birthday surprise went off without a hitch. He knew nothing about it and no one spilled the beans. The flight, he just simply loved and yes, he had the thrills and adventure ride. Loops, barrel rolls, spins, you name it, he and the pilot did it. The look on his face when we pulled up at the airfield was priceless and when he knew he was going on a Tiger Moth, words failed him. Then it was the long trip home where everyone was waiting. Another total surprise for him. I was told that his jaw just dropped open when the group (about 42) were all standing under the outdoor entertaining area and he walked through the gates and they all started sing Happy Birthday to him. He told me numerous time that it was the best birthday he has ever had.
Take care. Liz...
Monday, October 3, 2011
A surprise 60th ( I hope!!!)
G'day. This coming Saturday, hubby turns 60.I have been planning a surprise for him for some months now and so far it is all going to plan. I think...................
Friday night we are staying at a motel and on the Saturday morning I have booked hubby on a joy flight, though of course he knows nothing of this yet, well he knows we are going somewhere on Friday night, but he doesn't know where. The joy flight is on a WW1 Tiger Moth airplane from Point Cook, a fully operating military base about a two hour drive from where we live, though it is only 15 minutes from the motel we will be staying at. After the flight we head home, where hopefully there should be about 42 guests waiting to jump out and wish him "Happy Birthday". Hubby has the option on this flight to take the 'Ride of his life" meaning, loops, spins, you name it, this plane/pilot will do it. Maybe hubby won't be in the mood for a whiz, bang party after this adventure!!!, but he has the long drive home to get his act into gear. I don't think he has ever had a surprise party and I have threatened anyone who spills the beans, that I will get revenge. I will post more about this next week.
Thanks to everyone who has left a comment on my blog. I do appreciate it. Rosaria, you asked if I think about our former farm and what I miss. I can honestly say, we have been way to busy here to think a great deal about it, but, yes, there are times I do think about the chooks, the garden and of course the beautiful cows and bulls. I don't miss having such a huge garden to worry about and the central heating here is divine. No more lugging wood around and the dust from the wood heater to worry about. The new owners have called in many times and I always hear about the latest antics of the chooks and I try not to worry with what they tell me.The old girl was left outside for two nights to fend for herself, because she wouldn't go in her pen and the owners went away for a couple of days, so just left her. She was ok and there is nothing I can do, it is all out of my hands. The bird life has suffered also as they have two cats, once again, nothing I can do. I think of the many families of beautiful Fairy Wrens that were always bopping around and the lovely Grey Strike Thrush that came back every year with her mate to have their babies and how I used to worry about the babies when they fell out of their nest in the open bay of the machinery shed and the first year we were there, we picked them up, one by one and put them back in the nest and the mother bird stood by and watched us and hopped back in with them when we walked off and every year after that we kept an eye on them. Sadly we don't have such bird life here in town, but every now and then a few parrots will fly into the yard and I have seen a couple of Fairy Wrens once or twice, but that's it.
We have started a small garden in the backyard and have planted a few bird attracting plants, in the hope of encouraging some of our feathered friends to come and visit .
Last weekend we planted lavender bushes under the front bedroom windows, just to pretty it up. At some stage it will all look lovely. I bought a lot of pot plants with me and they have added color to some of the areas and it's all starting to come together.
The photo is of a ceramic watering can that I painted many moons ago when I was going through my ceramic phase.This "phase" lasted about 15 years, until a move (to the farm) put an end to it and then I went back to patchwork and quilting. I have a great love of pansies, they add color and brighten up any area. I have two very old wheelbarrows, that mainly have pansies growing in them and they look just spectacular.
Take care. Liz...
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